Farley Church Worship Rota  
ROTA for FARLEY ALL SAINTS                      
1st.July 11am. 4th. Sunday after Trinity PARISH EUCHARIST  JDa
Sidespersons: Mr. and Mrs. Dunkerley
Readers:  Mrs. R Dunkerley  Lamentations 3 v 23-33
                Mrs. C Fanshawe  2 Corinthians 8 v 7-15
Intercessor:  Mr. P Dean
Coffee:         Mrs. H Tutt
Organist:      Janice
Hymns on the Notice Board
8th. July 11am. 5th. Sunday after Trinity  MORNING WORSHIP  SW
Sides person: George Manston
Readers:  George Manston  Ezekiel 2 v 1-5
                M Parsons            2 Corinthians12 v 2-10
Intercessor: Mrs. C Caunter
Coffee:       Mrs. R Tossell
Organist:    Janice
Hymns on the Notice Board
15th. July  6pm. 6th. Sunday after Trinity  PARISH EUCHARIST  EMB
Sidesperson: Mrs. J Jeanes
Readers:   Mrs. H Lowndes  Amos 7 v 7-15
                 Mrs. R Funnell  Ephesians 1 v 3-14
Intercessor: Mandy Kerley
Organist:     Janice
Hymns on the Notice Board
22nd. July 6pm. 7th. Sunday after Trinity/ Mary Magdalene
                               TEAM EVENSONG  GiM
29th. July  10am. 8th. Sunday after Trinity TEAM EUCHARIST at West Dean
If the dates given are not convenient please try to swap or ring Heather
712 306 or Margaret 712 227
5th. August 11am. 9th. Sunday after Trinity  PARISH EUCHARIST EMB
Sidespersons: Mr. and Mrs. Dunkerley
Readers:  Janice Brown  Exodus 16 v 2-4,9-15
                 Mrs. R Dunkerley  Ephesians 4 v 1-16
Intercessor:  Mr. P Dean
Coffee:    Mr. and Mrs. Lowndes
Organist: Janice
Hymns on the notice Board
12th. August 11am. 10th. Sunday after Trinity  MORNING WORSHIP  DM
Sidesperson: Mrs. M Parsons
Readers: Mrs. R Funnell  1Kings 19 v 4-8
               Mr. N Tossell  Ephesians 4 v 25-  5 v 2
Intercessor: Mrs.R Tossell
Coffee: Mrs. Tutt
Organist: Janice
Hymns on the Notice Board
19th. August 6pm. 11th. Sunday after Trinity  PARISH EUCHARIST  NB
Sidesperson: Mandy Kerley
Readers: Mrs. M Parsons  Proverbs 9 v 1-6
               Mr. G Lowndes  Ephesians 5 v 15-20
Intercessor:  Mandy kerley
Organist: Janice
Hymns on the Notice Board
26th.August 6pm. 12th. Sunday after Trinity  TEAM EVENSONG  GiM
If dates given are not convenient please try to swap or ring Heather 712306 or
Margaret 712227.
2nd. September 11am. 13th. Sunday after Trinity  PARISH EUCHARIST J Da
Sidesperson: Mrs. H Tutt
Readers:       Mrs. G Morgan  Deuteronomy 4 v 1-2, 6-9
                     Mr. G Manston   James 1 v 17-27
Intercessor:  Mrs. C Caunter
Coffee:         Mr. G Manston
Organist:      Janice
Hymns on the Notice Board
9th. September 11am. 14th. Sunday after Trinity
                         JOINT PARISH EUCHARIST in Pitton Village Hall with guest speaker Rev. P Ostli-East re Deanery Mission Project  AP/POE
!6th. September 6pm. 15th. Sunday after Trinity  PARISH EUCHARIST  J Da
Sidesperson:  Mrs. S Baxter
Readers:        Mr. C Baxter  Isaiah 50 v 4-9a
                       Mrs. C Fanshawe:  James 3 v 1-12
Intercessor:    Mandy Kerley
Organist:        Janice
Hymns on the Notice Board
23rd. September 6pm. !6th. Sunday after Trinity  TEAM EVENSONG  GiM
30th. September 10 am. 17th. Sunday after Trinity TEAM EUCHARIST
                                                                               In Farley  Team Staff
Sidespersons and Sacristans: H Tutt and M Parsons
Coffee: Mr. and Mrs. Carter
Organist:  Janice
Hymns on the Notice Board
If dates given are not convenient please try to swap or ring Heather 712 306
Or Margaret 712 227
7th.October 11am.  18th. Sunday after Trinity PARISH EUCHARIST  JDa
Sidesperson: Mrs. R Funnell
Readers:       Mrs. R Funnell   Hebrews 1 v 1-4 and 2 v 5-12
                      Mrs. G Morgan  Luke 19 v 1-10
Intercessor:   Janice
Coffee:          Mrs. H Tutt
Organist:       Janice
Hymns on the Notice Board
14th. October  11am. 19th.Sunday after Trinity  MORNING WORSHIP and
                                                                          HARVEST  SUNDAY  DM
Sidespersons: Mr. and Mrs.Dunkerley  
Readers:         Mr. G Manston  Hebrews 4 v 12-16
                       Mrs. R Dunkerley  Matthew 11 v 20-30
Intercessor:    Mrs. R Tossell
Coffee:           Mrs. C Caunter
Organist:        Janice
Hymns on the Notice Board
21st. October  6Pm  20th.Sunday after Trinity  PARISH EUCHARIST   AJ/NB
Sidespersons:  Mr. and Mrs. Lowndes
Readers:          Mr. N Tossell  Hebrews 5 v 1-10
                        Mrs. H Lowndes  Matthew 12 v 1-21
Intercessor:     Mrs. Mandy Kerley
Organist:         Janice
Hymns on the Notice Board
28th. October  6Pm. Last Sunday of Trinity (Simon and Jude)
                                TEAM SUNG EVENSONG  GI M
If dates given are not convenient please try to swap or ring Heather 712 306 or Margaret 712 227+